How to Write Google, Bing and Yahoo Search Engine Friendly Content

Are you fond of writing Blog, Article and web content? Read the tips how to write SEO friendly content so that Google, Bing and Yahoo index content soon and show in top result if anybody search by keywords.  Here I am going to explain how to write SEO and user friendly content; so that visitors come on your website and read your full content. Google and other search engine like well informative and most relevant content. Search Engine robots find out the best possible answers for visitors and visitors also like full and best information. So let's see how to write blog and web content so that you get more and more traffic on your blog or website.

How to Write Google Search Engine Friendly Content

Write a most relevant title for your blog or Article - Title and description is very important for blog and website. So write most relevant title for your blog that could explain what you are going to explain in full blog. Choose title like everybody generally search in Google and want to most relevant content. If you are fond of blogging and want to more traffic on blog then choose the title on which people are curious to know and search mostly to know the answer. I mean choose the hot topic for your blog and explain briefly about your topic in full blog.

Tips to write SEO friendly blog content

Choose the subject for your blog in which you know well and can explain everything with right information - Choose the topic for your blog in which you are expert and know each and everything deeply about your topic. If you don’t know then first of all you should read from other’s blog and collect more and more information so that you could write better than others. Keep in mind everybody want to best answers and Search engines also provide only best content. So you have to learn more and more before write on any topic so that people get the right information and satisfied to your blog or article and give you a positive comment on your post.

Start with a full informative description about your Blog or Article - Always keep in mind; start to write your blog and article with interesting and informative sentence. Try to write the summary in first paragraph so that visitor could know that they are now at right place and they get everything from your blog which they were searching and want to know actually. So write informative and short description about your topic so that visitor could eager to know and read fully content. You can take the example of any novel summary or film trailer.

How to write Google, Yahoo and Bing search engine friendly content

Write the full and well satisfied answer which should be better than other - As I mentioned above you should write full informative answer so that everybody should be satisfied your answer. One thing always keeps in mind; I am not saying that you have to write a long story about your topic. Write only about your target topic. Avoid describing the non-relevant content and promotional content as possible as you can. You know well that nobody wants to read unwanted and promotional things. So only focus on your topic and write the right information. Blog writing is not easy; so learn more and more and gains the full information then write it.

Write in Simple Language - Many blogger use difficult synonyms world in blog and they think they are great and professional writer. So I want to share with you that use only simple word to write the blog so that everybody can understand well what you want to say.  You should know that most of visitors search from local city and they are learner. About 70% guys are about under 25 years old who search in Google and want to know the solutions. So write the simple and clear sentence. A well education and a business person don’t have time to read your blog and they do not search to learn. So if you are blogger and write informational content then you should write in simple language. As for example you can read any Google information content; everybody; even teenager can understand well. So write what types of content you are going to write.  Most of visitors don’t know the meaning of difficult English word and for this reason they exit from your blog because they fill boring to read and unable to understand then meaning what you want to say in your content. Hope you understand what I want to say.

Top tips to write seo friendly article

Write as you think - If you are blogger then write the content as you think about your topic. You are free to explain your personal ideas in your blog. Write with open heart and full interest what you think.  Always keep one thing in your mind that if you are a visitor and search about your topic then what kind of content you prefer to read.  If you are full satisfied to your blog then I hope visitors also like to read your blog. So don’t afraid of anything and write as you know better. You should write when you feel good and your mood is full swing to explain the thought.

Write like you are talking to visitors – A well expert writer writes the content like they are discussing the topic with a friend who is sitting before him and listing what he is writing. You can take the example of Great writers like Prem Chand, Rabindra Nath Tagore, Phanishwar Nath Renu and all other great writers. So Always keep in mind visitors don’t feel bore to your blog.

How to write SEO Friendly content, Tips to write Search engine friendly conent

Don't write too much promotional Content - If you are writing promotional blog then don’t use too much keyword in your blog. Use promotional content only first and last paragraph and don’t insert too much links in blog. Insert only related links in blog. Avoid adding UN related link 

Don't forget to revise and fix the grammatical issues- If you complete the blog then don’t forget to revise the full content. May be some grammatically errors in blog or unrelated sentence used. If you find any meaning less sentence then delete that or correct the sentence. You can write the blog in Ms Word and you can fix the all grammatical errors after that you can publish the blog.

Ask the feedback and tell the reason why you have written this blog or article - You can ask the visitors feedback in last paragraph that how they feel to read. You can tell him to directly contact with you and offer them to ask the question. 

top 10 Tips to write seo friendly content

Hope you like my blog and it may be helpful to get more traffic on your blog. There are the secrets of Google, yahoo, Bing and other search engine robots to provide most appropriate content to visitors.  If you know and think others things then don’t forget to write in comment box below.
