Which is best job for life? Private Job or Government Job

If you passed out the 12th class or graduation and want to know; in which field you should choose to make career in life Government job or Private Job? then I am going to share my experience about government job and Private Job. Here I will describe pros and cons about both types of job. So you can decide yourself which is best for your life. By the way; the job depends upon various factors and situation of life.  But we should decide first what to do and in which field is best for life. So let’ discuss one by one Pros and cons of each.

Which is better Government job or Private Job

Pros of Government job - Most of students like to make career in Government Sectors, because Government Job is more secure than private job. If you selected once then no body dismiss your current Job post without any illegal conditions. In Government Job there are more facilities for life than private job. Government provides home, food, clothes and education cost for you and your family.  You get salary on time and you get pension after retire from the Job. Salary increases if Government make new salary term and condition. So we can say that In Government Job we feel secure life and enjoy the whole life. You get respect in society so you feel proud on yourself.

Government Job VS private Job in India

For the middle class society - If you belong to middle class family and no money to study higher education and you are brilliant student then there are lot of opportunities of Job in Government Job. You can get job in banking, Defence and civil services in Government sectors. So if you study day and night then you can get the Government Jon and enjoy your life.

Cons of Government Job - The very negative factors of government job is that you can’t earn money unlimited. There is limit in of salary in Government Job by position but if you have versatile then you can earn more and more in Private Job. The salary depends on experience in Private Job. You can change your job anytime and join any other organisation anytime. These days’ people are earning unlimited in private job. But if you are in private job then you cannot change your post anytime. You have to work in current salary and current facilities even you have many year experience. 

Which is better for life Government Job or Private Job

Pros of Private Job – As I mentioned above there is no limitation of salary in Private Job. If you join below 10 k but you can earn much more in future as you will have work experience.  In private sectors experience is valuable part and by dint of work experience you can join anywhere in any company in the country or foreign.  But if you are Government then you cannot do. You can live your life as you wish with family. You are fully independent to do any kinds of job as you like. You can change your job Profile anytime. If you have self confidence and a lot of money then you can do your own business and establish your company anytime and earn a lot. One other benefit of Private Job that if you are not degree and no enough knowledge; still you can join any company as the basis of your knowledge. So anybody can start Private Job after 5 min interview only.

Which job is better for life -  Government or Private

Cons of Private Job - The negative factor in private job is that , It is not secure job. Company can fire you anytime and in start time you get less salary. You have more work pressure than government job.  You will have to follow the term and condition of company privacy policy. Company does not provide you any family facilities in Private Job; you have to manage all things for your life.  If you want to change the job then you will have to face interview again and again in each company. If you are new guys in the company then you will have to face a lot of problems and you have to face work pressure more than government job.

Which is most suitable job in India Government or Private

Conclusion -   The summary of the post is that – Job depend on conditions. If you want secure job and want to live peace life then prepare for Government Job. If you want to earn more and more money and you have money and confidence of your hard work then choose Private Job. You can earn more and more in Private Job Vs Government Job. Now it depends on your wish.
