What is Digital India Programme in India

Here I'm going to share with you what is digital India program? These days you would hear about digital India Campaign all around. I think you are eager to know more about this. You must read in news, paper and watch live on TV. But due to difficult meaning and long speech you are in some doubt about this and want to know clear way, what is meant by digital India and what's benefit of it in daily life? I think you have one important question that, what is benefit of digital program for village life? How will affect our daily life after complete of digital India Program? I think you have a lot of question about this which you want to know clearly. So don't be late and start to read below each question's answer one by one and end your all question of mind. So let's start- 

what is digital India Program? What is Mean by Digital India Campaign?

What is digital India - It is such a plan in which India Government decide to provides internet in all village, city and town. Digital Program will connect with each other by internet. You must know about smart phone and use of internet. These days, only use mobile phone and internet in big city. The people who live in town and well educated they use smart phone and computer Internet.  One thing here is important is that, some village guys also know the internet, but they use internet by mobile phone, so I am not talking here to use internet by mobile phone. Here I am talking about fiber lines internet. You must well familiar with land line connection. So here you are clear about it and you know well there is no any land line Internet connection in village. But in City, land line internet is available all around so they pay little money and use more data compare to mobile phone data.

So I think you are now clear about Land line internet connection. In Digital India Program main focus is that spread land line internet connection in all Indian Village, so that everybody can use internet by phone or computer at their village and connect to the world through internet. You know well how much internet is useful these days. Today each and everybody want to be smart people. Everybody wants to live in easy life and fashionable life. So why not, villager think so to live smart life in this technology age.

what is benefit of digital India program? How to get benefit of digital India Campaign?

Therefore our great PM Modi Government thinks about village live first of all and provides these facilities each and every country people. So we have proud of him and his thought. We hope the Digital India Program successful within given period till 2018 and our dream full fill as soon as possible.

Now you have another question is - what is benefit of digital India Program? So know the following benefit 

About  2  to 8 crore Job -  In digital India About 2 crore people will get job in IT Sector and other job related to it, So We can say that the dream of IT Student who have done graduation with computer science will full fill. They can earn money and live happy life.

What is the benefit for student of digital India program? How can people get job in digital India

After Complete this campaign India will self dependent in electronic field. About 2.5 Lac Village will connect with broad band internet connection. All university of India and about 3, 00000 schools get benefit of free Wi-Fi internet connection. So you can imagine how much useful it is?

free wi-fi in village digital India campaign, Get free wi fi through digital india

We could do online each and every government work such as, pay electronic bill, Online driving license, Pay online income tax, register online in hospital to check up, Online complain in police station, Call doctor on phone, Any block work online, and many more- we can check the status of all things what's going on our work process. So we will get rid of corruption.  Finally we can say that India will free from corruption.

Now you have one another major question in Mind that-- what is plan in digital India or how to get all these facilities? So read carefully these points- 

Broad Band High way - It means all village and city will be connected high speed Internet connectivity like as high way road.

How to reach benefit of digital India program for village?  Internet connection for villager in digital India

Provides Telephone Services - Government provides telephone services in each house and connects with internet.

Public Internet Connection - You can get Internet connection at cheap rate 

E- Governance - All government offices will be online. People can complain their problem online and get help online by internet or phone free at cost.

Online Hospital in Digital India Program, get online hospital help through digital India program

Plan of Electronic Import free India - India will self dependent in electronic goods import. All electronic equipment of daily life, made in India as much as possible

Provide Job in IT Sector - Government provides job in IT sector like as other government department. So Youth can get good opportunities to develop their life and can dream No 1 Country of the world.

Online Attendance - Government wants to take attendance online each and every government employee and Student too so that No body absent from their office or school like as private company. So we can think how much good digital program.

E- governance in digital India, Work in Office on computer in digital India

So we can say that we also live life as USA, UK and Canada. We can do anything online like sale our purchase online and many more to sit at home (ha ha---)

One Last but very interesting question - How much cost is spending Indian Government on it? And when it will complete?

So I want tell you that the total money will be spent on it about – 500 crore. And it will be complete till 2018- to 2019 and will be done by BSNL.

proud of digital India, Feel proud of digital program, Be happy and connect world with digital India program

So I highly recommend all of you that kindly corporate the Indian Government to achieve this Goal, because it is done for us and finally for India. I mean we could say with proud before whole world - We are no 1, and India is Supper power of the world.. Yahoooo

About Author -   Amit Kumar is work as digital marketing in Delhi, but belongs to Small Village - I have my Website Designing and SEO Services Provider Company where I work with my group. If you want to connect Internet world and earn money through website online but don't know how? Then call me - 91-9871774014.

how to do online business in digital India? Opportunity to do business in digital India program

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